Goat Health & Nutrition
LIRA GOLD® Caprine Supports Goat Health & Productivity

Raising meat goats and milking goats can be rewarding and challenging at the same time. From birth to adulthood, maintaining normal digestive health and supporting a healthy immune system can help you raise healthy, fast-growing and productive goats. LIRA GOLD Caprine supports goat health by helping maintain normal gut health and a healthy immune system.
Whether it is young kids, wethers, bucks or heavy milking nannies, LIRA GOLD products can provide the support your herd needs to be healthy and perform their best.
What LIRA GOLD Products Can I Use For Goat Health & Productivity?
LIRA GOLD® Caprine is formulated to deliver a potent combination of live yeast, ruminant specific micro-encapsulated beneficial bacteria and a targeted digestive enzyme package.
When fed on a daily basis, this all-natural combination is designed to support efficient, proper nutrient digestibility, maintain normal gut health and a healthy immune system to support overall goat wellness. When used according to label directions, LIRA GOLD Caprine can help maximize production and support healthier goat herds that can boost revenues and profits.
Vita Gold is an oral formulation of micronized fat soluble and specific water-soluble vitamins that is designed to deliver a more readily available and absorbable supply of these nutrients that are required for multiple body systems to support growth, vitality, health, productivity and overall wellness. Delivering faster absorption and higher concentrations, Vita Gold is an easy way to boost vitamin supplementation without injections.
Microbial Gel contains probiotics, yeast and enzymes to provide individual support for maintaining normal gut health, a healthy immune system and is an excellent choice for supplementing the natural bacteria during times of stress, antibiotic therapy or feed/water changes.
The LIRA GOLD products on this page provide key tools for digestive health, performance and productivity that help goat owners raise healthy, fast growing, heavy milking goats in their quest to meet their revenue and profit goals.